We are excited to announce that 3Pillars have moved to the Black Prince Trust Hub in Lambeth. 3Pillars have spent the previous year based in London Bridge, supported by TowerEight who generously allowed us to use their office space for free. We are incredibly grateful for TowerEight’s support through our early development. Now, we couldn't be more excited about our new move!
We have decided to relocate to the Black Prince Trust for several reasons:
The Black Prince Trust offers fantastic opportunities to expand our delivery in the community - allowing access to first-class sports and education facilities. Don't believe us? Take a look at their facilities, which includes, gym and fitness studios and multi-sports areas, here: http://blackprincetrust.org.uk/facilities/.
Engagement and Visibility
Having a stable location will also support our long-term mentoring engagements with participants and ex-participants of 3Pillars rugby programmes. Furthermore, we think that our new location in the community will help us to deliver more projects to at-risk young people.
Opportunities for working in partnership
The location lets us take advantage of all the offerings of The Black Prince Trust. It is particularly well connected to the community and works in partnership with a number of commercial and charitable stakeholders to deliver sessions and programmes already. We will be adding to that with some inner city rugby.
We already really value working in partnership with a number of organisations, there is further potential to deliver to those who use the facilities at the moment and we are excited that our new office space will be alongside some great charities like Centre Point, Street Games and Fight 4 Change.
Community Need
Lambeth is an area that continues to benefit from support dealing with crime and we look forward to our contribution to the local community and working with the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime.
In recent months, Lambeth Council leader Lib Peck, was appointed as the head of the London Mayor’s new Violence Reduction Unit. She’s called for a “joined-up” solution that promotes community leadership and resilience to London’s current knife crime crisis to stop it spiralling into a long-term public-safety problem. There is much work to be done in Lambeth, and we believe we can be the organization to help to make a difference!
We couldn’t be more excited to be in Lambeth. We’ll be hosting a number of events soon, so watch this space, and if you’re in the area, feel free to stop in and say hi!
Black Prince Trust Website: http://blackprincetrust.org.uk