Please Read the following carefully
We accept referrals for young men in for the following categories:
Those currently in prison, in the estates we currently work in. (we can visit and seek to invite people take take part in our in custody work).
People recently released from custody who want to attend our Community Gym sessions;
London: in Vauxhall Tues 1-3pm, and Thurs 12-2pm. (If you are a partner organisation, you should attend a first session with them).
Nottingham: at Wildcats Arena, 3.15pm-4.30pm for 13-17 years olds
If you'd like to refer someone to our programme, kindly fill in the referral form below with their details.
In the description section please include any comments/notes relevant to the referral process and Risk Assessment issues that we should be made aware of.
Our post release mentoring is focused on people who have done our programmes in custody, we do offer participation in our community boxing and strength & conditioning sessions (Tues & Thurs) freely.
Please note our eligibility for 3Pillars Fitness Academy is as follows:
Men aged 18 - 30 years old.
Previous conviction(s)
Based in London or Nottingham.
Able to travel to Lambeth/Kennington/Vauxhall for London.
*Convictions which require disclosure:
Sex offences
Terrorism offences