Our Impact & 2024 Year in Review
3Pillars logic model
We measure behaviour change throughout the apprentice’s journey. We use a model that tracks a participant's knowledge of personal awareness, then their awareness of themselves, then their own changed attitudes, ultimately leading to behaviour change. Our programme promotes self-esteem, resilience, empathy, autonomy, and self-control to validate success. We gather, measure, and analyse quantitative and qualitative feedback data from this process. This enables us to adjust and refine our process, and practices according to each individual's interaction with the programme.

Participant feedback
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The feedback we have collated suggests our programmes are an effective sport for development tool which can improve mental wellbeing and help foster healthy relationships with family, friends, peers, and prison officers.
These comments are taken from the cohort in 'Play is Training for the Unexpected'.
Since 2016, 3Pillars Project has worked with hundreds of young people in custody, and hundreds more through its work in the community. Courses have been delivered in Feltham and Werrington YOIs, HMPs Wandsworth, Dovegate, Nottingham, Wormwood Scrubs, Durham, Standford Hill and Sudbury. The following are monitoring highlights from our 3Pillars Project programmes:​
Our Key Stats to date:
Rugby Academy 8 week courses delivered, with 302 graduates
Completion rate on our Rugby Academy
Prison Delivery Partner Locations
ROTL Apprentices have worked for 3Pillars Project

2023/2024 in numbers
Of 99 participants, at the end of their in-custody sessions:
​​50 of our 99 in-custody participants earned qualifications including Level 1, 2 or 3 Community Sport Leaders Award
89% improved their resilience
85% saw their self-esteem improve
90% are more physically active
91% have increased their autonomy and control
92% have increased their empathy
97% have been supported to have better relationships
Of 99 participants, at the end of their in-custody sessions:
​​90% of participants are now more physically active
97% of participants have been supported to have better relationships
89% of participants have increased their resilience
92% of participants have increased their empathy
85% of participants have improved their self-esteem
91% of participants have increased their autonomy and control

2019/2020 in numbers
During 2019/2020 we have hosted day release placements, post release referral mentoring, and ongoing support and community membership for people in prison. In addition we have supported prisons and partner organisations with consultancy and programme development.
We launched a pilot of the post-release Fitness Academy and here are the results:
90% of participants have access to a weekly mentoring session
180 hours of mentoring delivered
66% completed vocational training
75% supported with housing & gaining qualifications
95% of our participants 6 months after engagement with 3PP are in employment, education, or training

Statistics from programmes - 2017/18
All participants improved their communication skills and team working abilities
All participants improved their physical fitness, with an average improvement of 19%
All participants increased their impulse control; with 40% of participants having a 20% improvement.

Adult Programmes - 2016/17
98% agreed that the course had a positive impact with other inmates
95% agreed that the course had a positive impact on their mental wellbeing
95% agreed that they felt better equipped to achieve their goals as a result of taking part in the course
94% agreed that the course had a positive impact on their self-confidence
89% agreed that the course helped them regulate their emotions more effectively.
Statistics based on completed feedback forms over six courses
Success Stories
"What 3Pillars offered us is support after our sentences. It was really, really liberating to know that when you get out of jail, you've got someone to go to for support, and gave us just a good experience in general." - Ex-Participant.
"At first it was just to get out of your cell and play rugby and then I quickly realised that building a relationship with Mike and a few of the other coaches that what they were doing was really good...
It beats most jobs that I've tried to do." - Release on Temporary Licence (ROTL) Coach Assistant.
External Reports on our Work

‘A Sporting Chance’: An independent review of sport in youth and adult prisons, released in August 2018 by the Ministry of Justice and Professor Rosie Meek.
The review audited the provision of 21 different establishments and made 12 recommendations which calls for collaboration and innovation; 3Pillars Project featured as a positive case study in demonstrating the potential to improve young people’s lives through violence-reduction, sports-based programmes.
'Play is Training for the Unexpected': An Independent Evaluation of 3 Pillars Delivery in Cookham Wood HMYOI