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3Pillars delighted to be awarded a grant from CelebrateNationalLottery25

3Pillars Project is delighted to have been awarded a grant from Celebrate National Lottery 25 Years. The National Lottery's support is crucial for us to continue building bridges in our community in Lambeth. With their financial support we can 'launch' our Community Gym, to build awareness and engage the local community.

3Pillars' Community Gym offers valuable work experience for vulnerable young people, with a view to them securing sustainable employment, alongside free community sports sessions and targeted mentoring in a community that experiences significant social isolation and criminal activity.

This Community Gym seeks to re-build bridges between some of the most vulnerable young people and their local community. We want to improve the long-term employment outcomes for at-risk young people, working to prevent social isolation and criminal activity, improve mental and physical wellbeing in the wider community and offer a safe place for the community to reconnect .

Mike Crofts, CEO and founder of 3Pillars commented "we are delighted to be supported by The National Lottery to host this launch event. Over the past year we've been working to build positive relationships with vulnerable young people though the Community Gym. We look forward to hosting the launch of our community work, to celebrate a diverse and talented community and to build important and positive relationships".


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