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3 Pillars achieves Charitable Status

For the past three years, we have been operating successfully as a Community Interest Company (CIC), delivering rugby-based interventions in prisons and young offender institutes across London and the South East. ​

After much hard work, we are pleased to announce that we have achieved CHARITABLE STATUS! The Charity commission is confident in what we are doing, and we can now drive the organisation forward positively.

Going forward, 3 Pillars Project will be operating as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) and will undergo significant organisational development. 3 Pillars Project will also be using this opportunity to expand the delivery of our courses.

With increasing levels of youth violence in London, we feel that the time is right to have a broader reach and deliver community prevention programmes that will enhance the chances of young people, build positive community networks and divert young people away from crime.

Charitable status is a significant milestone for us and we are grateful for all the support we have received so far from our staff, volunteers, partners and donors. The Trustees would also like to thank Nicola from the Civil Service Fast Stream for her hard work in overseeing the application to the Charity Commission during her secondment with 3 Pillars.

For further information, you can view 3 Pillars Project on the Charity Commission website, here. 

Registered Charity Number: 1178703

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